Selasa, 18 Desember 2012


An-Nawar binti Malik, Ibunda Sang Pencatat Wahyu

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An-Nawar binti Malik, Ibunda Sang Pencatat Wahyu

Di balik tangan lentik dan kelindaian Zaid bin Tsabit, sang “pencatat wahyu” menuliskan huruf demi huruf dan ayat demi ayat, terdapat sentuhan lembut penuh dedikasi dan kasih sayang dari ibundanya tercinta, An-Nawar binti Malik.

Ia mendidik Zaid dan menanamkan keislaman kepada buah hatinya itu bersama sang suami, Tsabit bin Zaid. Namun, keutuhan dan kebahagian keluarga kecil mereka tak berlangsung lama.

Pada usia lima tahun, ayahandanya gugur dalam Perang Bu’ats. Perang antara Suku Aus dan Khazraj yang terjadi sebelum peristiwa hijrah berlangsung tersebut, telah merenggut kasih sayang seorang ayah darinya.

Peristiwa ini pun menuntut An-Nawar berjuang seorang diri membesarkan dan mendidik anaknya. Ia tetap tegar mengantarkan anak tercintanya itu menuju kesuksesan.

Bekal kecerdasan dan kecintaan terhadap Islam An-Nawar menguatkan fondasi keimanan Zaid. Ibundanya itu berhasil memosisikan dirinya sebagai madrasah utama. Setapak demi setapak ia menancapkan ilmu ke dalam diri Zaid.

Alhasil, Zaid tumbuh sebagai pribadi yang matang dan berkualitas. Zaid tercatat sebagai pemuda pertama yang memeluk Islam. Ia cerdas dan jenius. Di usianya yang ke-11 tahun, keturunan Bani Khazraj ini mampu menghafal belasan Surah Alquran.

Daya ingatnya cukup kuat. Hanya dalam hitungan hari, tepatnya 17 hari, ia berhasil menguasi bahasa Suryani dan 15 hari untuk penguasaan bahasa Ibrani. Prestasi ini pun, menjadikannya didaulat sebagai sekretaris Rasulullah.

Sentuhan An-Nawar pun telah memoles mentalitas Zaid sebagai seorang Mukmin. Pada usia 13 tahun, Zaid mendaftarkan diri turutserta berperang di Perang Badar. Keberanian yang jarang dimiliki oleh bocah seusianya.
Sontak kehadirannya mengundang perhatian. Tubuhnya yang mungil tak mampu membawa beban pedang dengan ukuran yang melebihi postur badannya.

Keinginan tersebut dihargai oleh Rasulullah, tetapi akhirnya ditolak. Ini lantaran aturan peperangan melarang demikian. Tidak boleh mengikutsertakan anak-anak, perempuan, dan orang lanjut usia.

Zaid mendapat penjelasan langsung dari Nabi. Berperang tak cukup bermodal semangat, tetapi kesiapan fisik dan usia juga menentukan. Ia diminta agar sabar menunggu beberapa tahun lagi agar dinyatakan siap berjihad.

Jihad lisan dan pena
Penolakan itu membuat Zaid sangat kecewa. Sambil menangis, ia mengadu kepada ibunya. “Rasulullah melarangku berjihad,” ujarnya sambil menangis.

Sebagai ibu yang bijaksana, An-Nawar memahami semangat juang anaknya untuk menegakkan Islam. Namun, di sisi lain, pandangan Rasulullah sangat tepat.

Untuk mengobati kekecewaan anaknya, An-Nawar memberikan alternatif perjuangan lain yang bisa dilakukan anak seusianya. “Jangan bersedih anakku, jika jihad di medan perang belum boleh dilakukan anak-anak seusiamu, cobalah berjihad dengan cara lain, yakni melalui lisan atau tulisan,” katanya.

Usulan tersebut disampaikan bukan tanpa alasan. Sang ibu memahami betul potensi besar yang ada pada anaknya tersebut. Terutama, di bidang retorika dan tulis-menulis.

Sambil menghibur, An-Nawar meyakinkan lagi bahwa Zaid memiliki kelebihan dibandingkan anak-anak seusianya pada masa itu. “Engkau menguasai dan menghafal Alquran dengan sempurna, bisa menuliskannya kembali dengan baik,” katanya.
Saran ibunya membuat Zaid lega dan menghentikan tangisnya. Ia setuju berjuang di jalan Allah sesuai saran ibunya.

An-Nawar mengajak Zaid menghadap Rasulullah untuk menyampaikan potensi yang dimiliki anaknya yang masih belia.

An-Nawar berkata kepada Nabi, “Ya Rasulullah, anak kami Zaid bin Tsabit hafal 17 surah dari Alquran. Ia juga membacanya dengan benar sebagaimana ketika wahyu itu diturunkan kepadamu. Terlebih lagi, ia pandai membaca dan menulis. Ia ingin kemampuannya tersebut bisa dekat dan menetap dengan Rasulullah. Jika engkau berkenan, simaklah bacaannya.” Rasulullah mempersilakan Zaid unjuk kebolehan. Ia pun melantunkan ayat-ayat Allah dengan fasih, menggetarkan hati siapa pun yang mendengarnya. Nabi pun terpukau melihat kehebatan remaja yang pernah ditolaknya untuk ikut berperang ini.

Sebagai penghargaan, Rasulullah memberi amanah kepada Zaid untuk jihad pertamanya, yakni mengkaji Kitab Suci Yahudi, Taurat. “Wahai Zaid, pelajarilah kitab Yahudi untukku karena aku tidak bisa membuat mereka beriman kepada apa yang aku katakan kepada mereka.”

Warisan ibundanya yang mendidik Zaid untuk bekerja keras membuatnya mudah memahami Kitab Yahudi. Tidak hanya materinya, Zaid pun mempelajari bahasa Ibrani. Misi mempelajari ideologi yang diamanahkan Rasulullah dan mendalami bahasa kaum Yahudi dirampungkannya pada usia 13 tahun. Ia mahir berkomunikasi, membaca, dan menulis dalam bahasa Ibrani seperti penutur aslinya.

Selama Islam berjaya di Madinah, ia diangkat sebagai penerjemah bagi pemerintahan Islam di Madinah, penulis wahyu, penulis surat, peserta perundingan antara kabilah atau negara asing dengan negara Islam Madinah. Zaid menekuni jihad masa mudanya ini sesuai amanah Rasulullah hingga masa kenabian berakhir.

Peran Zaid terhadap Islam tidak hanya di zaman Rasulullah. Pada masa kekhalifahan Abu Bakar dan Umar bin Khatab, Zaid mendapat amanah untuk mengodifikasikan Alquran. “Kamu adalah seorang pemuda yang cerdas dan kami tidak meragukan itu,” kata Abu Bakar.

Selain mendalami Alquran, Zaid dikenal pula sebagai pakar hadis. Ia meriwayatkan 92 hadis. Di antaranya, tentang hukum warisan (faraidh).

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Janin Ini Berbicara

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Subhanallah, Janin Ini Berbicara pada Ibunya

Pada waktu itu, Sayidah Khadijah as, istri Nabi Muhammad Saw sedang mengandung Sayidah Fathimah az-Zahra as. Sayidah Khadijah as merasakan bahwa janin yang berada dalam kandungannya berbeda dengan anak-anak yang lain. Itu karena janin dalam kandungannya itu berbicara dengannya.

Sayidah Khadijah as menanti bayinya terlahir ke dunia dengan tidak sabar. Sayidah Khadijah as ingin segera memberikan kabar gembira kelahiran bayinya kepada Nabi Muhammad Saw, suami tercintanya. Menurut Sayidah Khadijah as, kelahiran anak penuh berkah ini pasti menggembirakan suaminya.

Tapi dalam penantian ini, janin yang berada dalam kandungannya berbicara dengan ibunya. Janin itu meminta ibunya agar bersabar dan dengan pikiran yang tenang menanti proses masa mengandungnya selesai dan waktu lahirnya ke dunia tiba.

Sayidah Khadijah as menyembunyikan masalah ini dari suaminya. Beliau tidak memberi tahu suaminya bahwa anak yang sedang berada di dalam kandungannya berbicara kepadanya. Tapi suatu hari ketika Nabi Muhammad Saw masuk ke rumah dan mendengar Sayidah Khadijah as tengah berbicara dengan bayinya, Nabi Saw berkata, "Wahai Khadijah! Engkau sedang berbicara dengan siapa?"

Sayidah Khadijah as menjawab, "Dengan janin yang berada di dalam perutku. Ia menjadi teman akrabku selama ini. Ia memintaku sebagai ibunya agar bersabar menanti kelahirannya."

Nabi Muhammad Saw berkata, "Wahai Khadijah! Jibril as mengabarkan kepadaku bahwa janin yang ada dalam perutmu itu perempuan. Dari keturunannya akan lahir anak-anak saleh dan penuh berkah. Allah Swt berkehendak akan lahir dari keturunannya yang menjadi Imam dan pemimpin umatku serta menjadi pembimbing dan penolong umatku."


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Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012


Sejarah Sang Dadu

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Ada yang menghabiskan malam minggu bermain halma atau monopoli? Permainan itu membutuhkan dadu. Nah, pernah terpikir asal-usul dadu?

Diduga, dadu kubus dengan penandaan praktis serupa dadu modern sudah ada sejak tahun 600 SM, bahkan 2000 SM, berdasarkan bukti berupa beberapa dadu yang ditemukan saat ekskavasi makam di Cina dan mesir. - Sejarah Panjang Dadu

Sedangkan di India, sejak lebih dari 2000 tahun silam, sudah ada catatan tertulis pertama tentang dadu dalam epik berbahasa Sansekerta, Mahabharata.

Menurut Sophocles (495-406 SM), dadu ditemukan oleh seorang yunani saat penyerangan ke Troya. sedangkan Herodotus (484 425 SM ) berpendapat, bangsa Lydia kerajaan kuno di sebelah barat Asia kecil di masa pemerintahan Raja Atys sebagai pencetus ide pembuatan dadu.

Tapi dua pendapat itu ditolak arkeolog. Menurut penemuan mereka, dadu sudah dipakai di peradaban lebih awal. Termasuk dalam kelompok itu adalah suku Indian Amerika Utara, Aztec dan Maya, serta masyarakat kepulauan sekitar Pasifik, Eskimo dan Afrika. Mereka punya permainan dengan dadu dari berbagai materi, bentuk dan cara penandaan yang aneh. - Sejarah Panjang Dadu

Pada masyarakat primitif, dadu semula alat untuk meramal masa depan. biasanya, terbuat dari tulang pergelangan kaki domba yang ditandai di empat bidangnya.

Dadu dadu itu ada yang berasal dari biji buh prem dan persik, biji-bijian, tulang rusa dan lembu, tanduk rusa, kulit biji walnut, kelereng, keramik, serta gigi berang-berang dan tikus tanah.

Pada peradaban selanjutnya di Yunani dan Romawi, meski dadu umumnya terbuat dari tulang dan gading, ada yang bermaterikan perunggu serta aneka batu-batuan (marmer, akik, kristal oniks, porselen, dll). Bentuknya pun tak hanya kubus tetapi juga piramida, penthahedral, dan octahedral dengan sejumlah variasi permukaan. - Sejarah Panjang Dadu

Masyarakat Romawi kuno senang melakukan permainan dengan dadu. Hal itu tampak pada gambar-gambar dinding sebuah kedai minuman di Pompeii tentang beberapa orang yang tengah bermain dadu. Kota Pompeii terkubur akibat letusan Gunung Vesuvius pada tahun 79.

Mereka menyebut dadu: tesserae. Ada juga dadu yang bertanda pada empat sisi yang disebut tali. Beberapa tesserae ditemukan di Herculaneum.

Dalam perjalanannya, dadu berbentuk kubuslah yang terus dipakai hingga saat ini, bahkan tersebar luas ke berbagai belahan bumi.

Dadu Modern - Sejarah Panjang Dadu

Dadu zaman sekarang biasanya dari plastik. jenisnya ada dua, yang sempurna dan tidak sempurna. Jenis yang sempurna paling sering dipakai di kasino. Pada dadu sempurna siku garis pertemuan dua sisinya tajam, ukurannya pun harus tepat. Toleransi yang bisa diterima dari ukuran standar adalah 0,0013 cm!

Sedangkan dadu tak sempurna sering dimainkan sehari-hari, misalnya halma atau ular tangga. Dadu ini punya garis pertemuan dan sudut yang tumpul. Bila dadu sempurna dibuat dengan tangan, maka dadu tak sempurna dibuat dengan mesin.

Main Curang Sudah Sejak Dulu

Ternyata cara-cara curang menggunakan dadu sudah ada sejak awal peradaban manusia. Dadu "curang" ini pernah di temukan di kuburan Kuno Mesir. Asia Timur, serta pemakaman Amerika Utara dan Selatan.

Caranya dengan mengiris salah satu atau lebih bidangnya sehingga bentuknya lebih mirip batu bata. Alhasil, dadu akan sering mendarat pada permukaan yang lebih luas, dan angka di sebaliknyalah yang sering keluar.

Cara lainnya dengan memberi beban tambahan tepat dibawah permukaan salah satu bidang. Akibatnya, bidang sebaliknya akan lebih sering muncul.

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Rabu, 05 Desember 2012



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Taubat Sejati Seorang Pemuda

Imam Malik bin Dinar mengajari kita dalam bagian ini tentang seorang pemuda kecil di waktu haji dgn bertutur Ketika kami mengerjakan ibadah haji kami mengucapkan talbiyah dan berdoa kepada Allah tiba-tiba aku melihat pemuda yg masih sangat muda usianya memakai pakaian ihram menyendiri di tempat penyendiriannya tidak mengucapkan talbiyah dan tidak berdzikir mengingat Allah seperti orang-orang lainnya.
Aku mendatanginya dan bertanya ‘mengapa dia tidak mengucapkan talbiyah ?’ Dia menjawab Apakah talbiyah mencukupi bagiku sedangkan aku sudah berbuat dosa dgn terang-terangan. Demi Allah! Aku khawatir bila aku mengatakan labbaik maka malaikat menjawab kepadaku ‘tiada labbaik dan tiada kebahagiaan bagimu’. Lalu aku pulang dgn membawa dosa besar.
Aku bertanya kepadanya Sesungguhnya kamu memanggil yg Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.
Dia bertanya Apakah kamu menyuruhku utk mengucapkan talbiyah? Aku menjawab Ya.
Kemudian dia berbaring di atas tanah meletakkan salah satu pipinya ke tanah mengambil batu dan meletakkannya di pipi yg lain dan mengucurkan air matanya sembari berucap Labbaika Allaahumma labbaika sungguh telah kutundukkan diriku kepada-Mu dan badan telah kuhempaskan di hadapan-Mu.
Lalu aku melihatnya lagi di Mina dalam keadaan menangis dan dia bekata Ya Allah sesungguhnya orang-orang telah menyembelih kurban dan mendekatkan diri kepada-Mu sedangkan aku tidak punya sesuatu yg bisa kugunakan utk mendekatkan diri kepadamu kecuali diriku sendiri maka terimalah pengorbanan dariku. Kemudian dia pingsan dan tersungkur mati. Akupun mohon kepada Allah agar dia mau menerimanya.

Sumber Asyabalunal ‘Ulama Muhammad Sulthan.

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Minggu, 02 Desember 2012


The Real History of the Crusades

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The Real History of the Crusades 

The crusades are quite possibly the most misunderstood event in European history. Most of what passes for public knowledge about it is either misleading or just plain wrong
By Prof. Thomas F. Madden
Misconceptions about the Crusades are all too common. The Crusades are generally portrayed as a series of holy wars against Islam led by power-mad popes and fought by religious fanatics. They are supposed to have been the epitome of self-righteousness and intolerance, a black stain on the history of the Catholic Church in particular and Western civilization in general. A breed of proto-imperialists, the Crusaders introduced Western aggression to the peaceful Middle East and then deformed the enlightened Muslim culture, leaving it in ruins. For variations on this theme, one need not look far. See, for example, Steven Runciman's famous three-volume epic, History of the Crusades, or the BBC/A&E documentary, The Crusades, hosted by Terry Jones. Both are terrible history yet wonderfully entertaining.
So what is the truth about the Crusades? Scholars are still working some of that out. But much can already be said with certainty. For starters, the Crusades to the East were in every way defensive wars. They were a direct response to Muslim aggression—an attempt to turn back or defend against Muslim conquests of Christian lands.

From the safe distance of many centuries, it is easy enough to scowl in disgust at the Crusades. Religion, after all, is nothing to fight wars over.
Christians in the eleventh century were not paranoid fanatics. Muslims really were gunning for them. While Muslims can be peaceful, Islam was born in war and grew the same way. From the time of Mohammed, the means of Muslim expansion was always the sword. Muslim thought divides the world into two spheres, the Abode of Islam and the Abode of War. Christianityand for that matter any other non-Muslim religion—has no abode. Christians and Jews can be tolerated within a Muslim state under Muslim rule. But, in traditional Islam, Christian and Jewish states must be destroyed and their lands conquered. When Mohammed was waging war against Mecca in the seventh century, Christianity was the dominant religion of power and wealth. As the faith of the Roman Empire, it spanned the entire Mediterranean, including the Middle East, where it was born. The Christian world, therefore, was a prime target for the earliest caliphs, and it would remain so for Muslim leaders for the next thousand years.
With enormous energy, the warriors of Islam struck out against the Christians shortly after Mohammed's death. They were extremely successful. Palestine, Syria, and Egypt—once the most heavily Christian areas in the worldquickly succumbed. By the eighth century, Muslim armies had conquered all of Christian North Africa and Spain. In the eleventh century, the Seljuk Turks conquered Asia Minor (modern Turkey), which had been Christian since the time of St. Paul. The old Roman Empire, known to modern historians as the Byzantine Empire, was reduced to little more than Greece. In desperation, the emperor in Constantinople sent word to the Christians of western Europe asking them to aid their brothers and sisters in the East.
That is what gave birth to the Crusades. They were not the brainchild of an ambitious pope or rapacious knights but a response to more than four centuries of conquests in which Muslims had already captured two-thirds of the old Christian world. At some point, Christianity as a faith and a culture had to defend itself or be subsumed by Islam. The Crusades were that defense.
Pope Urban II called upon the knights of Christendom to push back the conquests of Islam at the Council of Clermont in 1095. The response was tremendous. Many thousands of warriors took the vow of the cross and prepared for war. Why did they do it? The answer to that question has been badly misunderstood. In the wake of the Enlightenment, it was usually asserted that Crusaders were merely lacklands and ne'er-do-wells who took advantage of an opportunity to rob and pillage in a faraway land. The Crusaders' expressed sentiments of piety, self-sacrifice, and love for God were obviously not to be taken seriously. They were only a front for darker designs.
At some point, Christianity as a faith and a culture had to defend itself or be subsumed by Islam. The Crusades were that defense.
During the past two decades, computer-assisted charter studies have demolished that contrivance. Scholars have discovered that crusading knights were generally wealthy men with plenty of their own land in Europe. Nevertheless, they willingly gave up everything to undertake the holy mission. Crusading was not cheap. Even wealthy lords could easily impoverish themselves and their families by joining a Crusade. They did so not because they expected material wealth (which many of them had already) but because they hoped to store up treasure where rust and moth could not corrupt. They were keenly aware of their sinfulness and eager to undertake the hardships of the Crusade as a penitential act of charity and love. Europe is littered with thousands of medieval charters attesting to these sentiments, charters in which these men still speak to us today if we will listen. Of course, they were not opposed to capturing booty if it could be had. But the truth is that the Crusades were notoriously bad for plunder. A few people got rich, but the vast majority returned with nothing.
Urban II gave the Crusaders two goals, both of which would remain central to the eastern Crusades for centuries. The first was to rescue the Christians of the East. As his successor, Pope Innocent III, later wrote:

How does a man love according to divine precept his neighbor as himself when, knowing that his Christian brothers in faith and in name are held by the perfidious Muslims in strict confinement and weighed down by the yoke of heaviest servitude, he does not devote himself to the task of freeing them? ...Is it by chance that you do not know that many thousands of Christians are bound in slavery and imprisoned by the Muslims, tortured with innumerable torments?
"Crusading," Professor Jonathan Riley-Smith has rightly argued, was understood as an "an act of love"in this case, the love of one's neighbor. The Crusade was seen as an errand of mercy to right a terrible wrong. As Pope Innocent III wrote to the Knights Templar, "You carry out in deeds the words of the Gospel, 'Greater love than this hath no man, that he lay down his life for his friends.'"
The second goal was the liberation of Jerusalem and the other places made holy by the life of Christ. The word crusade is modern. Medieval Crusaders saw themselves as pilgrims, performing acts of righteousness on their way to the Holy Sepulcher. The Crusade indulgence they received was canonically related to the pilgrimage indulgence. This goal was frequently described in feudal terms. When calling the Fifth Crusade in 1215, Innocent III wrote:
Consider most dear sons, consider carefully that if any temporal king was thrown out of his domain and perhaps captured, would he not, when he was restored to his pristine liberty and the time had come for dispensing justice look on his vassals as unfaithful and traitors...unless they had committed not only their property but also their persons to the task of freeing him? ...And similarly will not Jesus Christ, the king of kings and lord of lords, whose servant you cannot deny being, who joined your soul to your body, who redeemed you with the Precious Blood...condemn you for the vice of ingratitude and the crime of infidelity if you neglect to help Him?
The reconquest of Jerusalem, therefore, was not colonialism but an act of restoration and an open declaration of one's love of God. Medieval men knew, of course, that God had the power to restore Jerusalem Himselfindeed, He had the power to restore the whole world to His rule. Yet as St. Bernard of Clairvaux preached, His refusal to do so was a blessing to His people:
Again I say, consider the Almighty's goodness and pay heed to His plans of mercy. He puts Himself under obligation to you, or rather feigns to do so, that He can help you to satisfy your obligations toward Himself.... I call blessed the generation that can seize an opportunity of such rich indulgence as this.
It is often assumed that the central goal of the Crusades was forced conversion of the Muslim world. Nothing could be further from the truth. From the perspective of medieval Christians, Muslims were the enemies of Christ and His Church. It was the Crusaders' task to defeat and defend against them. That was all. Muslims who lived in Crusader-won territories were generally allowed to retain their property and livelihood, and always their religion. Indeed, throughout the history of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, Muslim inhabitants far outnumbered the Catholics. It was not until the 13th century that the Franciscans began conversion efforts among Muslims. But these were mostly unsuccessful and finally abandoned. In any case, such efforts were by peaceful persuasion, not the threat of violence.

Like all warfare, the violence was brutal (although not as brutal as modern wars). There were mishaps, blunders, and crimes.
The Crusades were wars, so it would be a mistake to characterize them as nothing but piety and good intentions. Like all warfare, the violence was brutal (although not as brutal as modern wars). There were mishaps, blunders, and crimes. These are usually well-remembered today. During the early days of the First Crusade in 1095, a ragtag band of Crusaders led by Count Emicho of Leiningen made its way down the Rhine, robbing and murdering all the Jews they could find. Without success, the local bishops attempted to stop the carnage. In the eyes of these warriors, the Jews, like the Muslims, were the enemies of Christ. Plundering and killing them, then, was no vice. Indeed, they believed it was a righteous deed, since the Jews' money could be used to fund the Crusade to Jerusalem. But they were wrong, and the Church strongly condemned the anti-Jewish attacks.
Fifty years later, when the Second Crusade was gearing up, St. Bernard frequently preached that the Jews were not to be persecuted:
Ask anyone who knows the Sacred Scriptures what he finds foretold of the Jews in the Psalm. "Not for their destruction do I pray," it says. The Jews are for us the living words of Scripture, for they remind us always of what our Lord suffered.... Under Christian princes they endure a hard captivity, but "they only wait for the time of their deliverance."
Nevertheless, a fellow Cistercian monk named Radulf stirred up people against the Rhineland Jews, despite numerous letters from Bernard demanding that he stop. At last Bernard was forced to travel to Germany himself, where he caught up with Radulf, sent him back to his convent, and ended the massacres.
It is often said that the roots of the Holocaust can be seen in these medieval pogroms. That may be. But if so, those roots are far deeper and more widespread than the Crusades. Jews perished during the Crusades, but the purpose of the Crusades was not to kill Jews. Quite the contrary: Popes, bishops, and preachers made it clear that the Jews of Europe were to be left unmolested. In a modern war, we call tragic deaths like these "collateral damage." Even with smart technologies, the United States has killed far more innocents in our wars than the Crusaders ever could. But no one would seriously argue that the purpose of American wars is to kill women and children.
By any reckoning, the First Crusade was a long shot. There was no leader, no chain of command, no supply lines, no detailed strategy. It was simply thousands of warriors marching deep into enemy territory, committed to a common cause. Many of them died, either in battle or through disease or starvation. It was a rough campaign, one that seemed always on the brink of disaster. Yet it was miraculously successful. By 1098, the Crusaders had restored Nicaea and Antioch to Christian rule. In July 1099, they conquered Jerusalem and began to build a Christian state in Palestine. The joy in Europe was unbridled. It seemed that the tide of history, which had lifted the Muslims to such heights, was now turning.
But it was not. When we think about the Middle Ages, it is easy to view Europe in light of what it became rather than what it was. The colossus of the medieval world was Islam, not Christendom. The Crusades are interesting largely because they were an attempt to counter that trend. But in five centuries of crusading, it was only the First Crusade that significantly rolled back the military progress of Islam. It was downhill from there.
When the Crusader County of Edessa fell to the Turks and Kurds in 1144, there was an enormous groundswell of support for a new Crusade in Europe. It was led by two kings, Louis VII of France and Conrad III of Germany, and preached by St. Bernard himself. It failed miserably. Most of the Crusaders were killed along the way. Those who made it to Jerusalem only made things worse by attacking Muslim Damascus, which formerly had been a strong ally of the Christians. In the wake of such a disaster, Christians across Europe were forced to accept not only the continued growth of Muslim power but the certainty that God was punishing the West for its sins. Lay piety movements sprouted up throughout Europe, all rooted in the desire to purify Christian society so that it might be worthy of victory in the East.
Crusading in the late twelfth century, therefore, became a total war effort. Every person, no matter how weak or poor, was called to help. Warriors were asked to sacrifice their wealth and, if need be, their lives for the defense of the Christian East. On the home front, all Christians were called to support the Crusades through prayer, fasting, and alms. Yet still the Muslims grew in strength. Saladin, the great unifier, had forged the Muslim Near East into a single entity, all the while preaching jihad against the Christians. In 1187 at the Battle of Hattin, his forces wiped out the combined armies of the Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem and captured the precious relic of the True Cross. Defenseless, the Christian cities began surrendering one by one, culminating in the surrender of Jerusalem on October 2. Only a tiny handful of ports held out.
The response was the Third Crusade. It was led by Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa of the German Empire, King Philip II Augustus of France, and King Richard I Lionheart of England. By any measure it was a grand affair, although not quite as grand as the Christians had hoped. The aged Frederick drowned while crossing a river on horseback, so his army returned home before reaching the Holy Land. Philip and Richard came by boat, but their incessant bickering only added to an already divisive situation on the ground in Palestine. After recapturing Acre, the king of France went home, where he busied himself carving up Richard's French holdings. The Crusade, therefore, fell into Richard's lap. A skilled warrior, gifted leader, and superb tactician, Richard led the Christian forces to victory after victory, eventually reconquering the entire coast. But Jerusalem was not on the coast, and after two abortive attempts to secure supply lines to the Holy City, Richard at last gave up. Promising to return one day, he struck a truce with Saladin that ensured peace in the region and free access to Jerusalem for unarmed pilgrims. But it was a bitter pill to swallow. The desire to restore Jerusalem to Christian rule and regain the True Cross remained intense throughout Europe.
The Crusades of the 13th century were larger, better funded, and better organized. But they too failed. The Fourth Crusade (1201-1204) ran aground when it was seduced into a web of Byzantine politics, which the Westerners never fully understood. They had made a detour to Constantinople to support an imperial claimant who promised great rewards and support for the Holy Land. Yet once he was on the throne of the Caesars, their benefactor found that he could not pay what he had promised. Thus betrayed by their Greek friends, in 1204 the Crusaders attacked, captured, and brutally sacked Constantinople, the greatest Christian city in the world. Pope Innocent III, who had previously excommunicated the entire Crusade, strongly denounced the Crusaders. But there was little else he could do. The tragic events of 1204 closed an iron door between Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox, a door that even today Pope John Paul II has been unable to reopen. It is a terrible irony that the Crusades, which were a direct result of the Catholic desire to rescue the Orthodox people, drove the two further—and perhaps irrevocably—apart.
The remainder of the 13th century's Crusades did little better. The Fifth Crusade (1217-1221) managed briefly to capture Damietta in Egypt, but the Muslims eventually defeated the army and reoccupied the city. St. Louis IX of France led two Crusades in his life. The first also captured Damietta, but Louis was quickly outwitted by the Egyptians and forced to abandon the city. Although Louis was in the Holy Land for several years, spending freely on defensive works, he never achieved his fondest wish: to free Jerusalem. He was a much older man in 1270 when he led another Crusade to Tunis, where he died of a disease that ravaged the camp. After St. Louis's death, the ruthless Muslim leaders, Baybars andKalavun, waged a brutal jihad against the Christians in Palestine. By 1291, the Muslim forces had succeeded in killing or ejecting the last of the Crusaders, thus erasing the Crusader kingdom from the map. Despite numerous attempts and many more plans, Christian forces were never again able to gain a foothold in the region until the 19th century.

Whether we admire the Crusaders or not, it is a fact that the world we know today would not exist without their efforts.
One might think that three centuries of Christian defeats would have soured Europeans on the idea of Crusade. Not at all. In one sense, they had little alternative. Muslim kingdoms were becoming more, not less, powerful in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. The Ottoman Turks conquered not only their fellow Muslims, thus further unifying Islam, but also continued to press westward, capturing Constantinople and plunging deep into Europe itself. By the 15th century, the Crusades were no longer errands of mercy for a distant people but desperate attempts of one of the last remnants of Christendom to survive. Europeans began to ponder the real possibility that Islam would finally achieve its aim of conquering the entire Christian world. One of the great best-sellers of the time, Sebastian Brant's The Ship of Fools, gave voice to this sentiment in a chapter titled "Of the Decline of the Faith":

Our faith was strong in th' Orient,
It ruled in all of Asia,
In Moorish lands and Africa.
But now for us these lands are gone
'Twould even grieve the hardest stone....
Four sisters of our Church you find,
They're of the patriarchic kind:
Constantinople, Alexandria,
Jerusalem, Antiochia.
But they've been forfeited and sacked
And soon the head will be attacked.
Of course, that is not what happened. But it very nearly did. In 1480, Sultan Mehmed II captured Otranto as a beachhead for his invasion of Italy. Rome was evacuated. Yet the sultan died shortly thereafter, and his plan died with him. In 1529, Suleiman the Magnificent laid siege to Vienna. If not for a run of freak rainstorms that delayed his progress and forced him to leave behind much of his artillery, it is virtually certain that the Turks would have taken the city. Germany, then, would have been at their mercy. [At that point crusades were no longer waged to rescue Jerusalem, but Europe itself.]
Yet, even while these close shaves were taking place, something else was brewing in Europe—something unprecedented in human history. The Renaissance, born from a strange mixture of Roman values, medieval piety, and a unique respect for commerce and entrepreneurialism, had led to other movements like humanism, the Scientific Revolution, and the Age of Exploration. Even while fighting for its life, Europe was preparing to expand on a global scale. The Protestant Reformation, which rejected the papacy and the doctrine of indulgence, made Crusades unthinkable for many Europeans, thus leaving the fighting to the Catholics. In 1571, a Holy League, which was itself a Crusade, defeated the Ottoman fleet at Lepanto. Yet military victories like that remained rare. The Muslim threat was neutralized economically. As Europe grew in wealth and power, the once awesome and sophisticated Turks began to seem backward and pathetic—no longer worth a Crusade. The "Sick Man of Europe" limped along until the 20th century, when he finally expired, leaving behind the present mess of the modern Middle East.
From the safe distance of many centuries, it is easy enough to scowl in disgust at the Crusades. Religion, after all, is nothing to fight wars over. But we should be mindful that our medieval ancestors would have been equally disgusted by our infinitely more destructive wars fought in the name of political ideologies. And yet, both the medieval and the modern soldier fight ultimately for their own world and all that makes it up. Both are willing to suffer enormous sacrifice, provided that it is in the service of something they hold dear, something greater than themselves. Whether we admire the Crusaders or not, it is a fact that the world we know today would not exist without their efforts. The ancient faith of Christianity, with its respect for women and antipathy toward slavery, not only survived but flourished. Without the Crusades, it might well have followed Zoroastrianism, another of Islam's rivals, into extinction.
Thomas F. Madden is associate professor and chair of the Department of History at Saint Louis University. He is the author of numerous works, including The New Concise History of the Crusades, and co-author, with Donald Queller, of The Fourth Crusade: The Conquest of Constantinople. This special version for the ARMA was reprinted by permission of Crisis Magazine,
End note: Regarding the modern day reference to the crusades as a supposed grievance by Islamic militants still upset over them, Madden notes: “If the Muslims won the crusades (and they did), why the anger now?  Shouldn't they celebrate the crusades as a great victory? Until the nineteenth century that is precisely what they did. It was the West that taught the Middle East to hate the crusades. During the peak of European colonialism, historians began extolling the medieval crusades as Europe's first colonial venture. By the 20th century, when imperialism was discredited, so too were the crusades. They haven't been the same since.” He adds, “The truth is that the crusades had nothing to do with colonialism or unprovoked aggression. They were a desperate and largely unsuccessful attempt to defend against a powerful enemy.” “The entire history of the crusades is one of Western reaction to Muslim advances,” Madden observes.
Commenting on the recent scholarship of Oxford historian Christopher Tyerman in his recent, Fighting for Christendom: Holy War and the Crusades (Oxford, 2005), Professor Steven Ozment of Harvard writes how Tyerman: “maintains that the four centuries of holy war known as the Crusades are both the best recognized and most distorted part of the Christian Middle Ages. He faults scholars, pundits, and laymen on both sides of the East-West divide for allowing the memory of the Crusades to be ‘woven into intractable modern political problems,’ where it ‘blurs fantasy and scholarship’ and exacerbates present-day hatreds.”  Ozment notes how Tyerman also views “the Crusades as neither an attempt at Western hegemony, nor a betrayal of Western Christian teaching and practice.” As Tyerman explains, the warriors who answered the pope’s call to aid Christendom in the Holy Land were known as crucesignati, “those signed with the cross.” Professor Tyerman considers the Crusades to have largely been “warfare decked out in moral and religious terms” and describes them as “the ultimate manifestation of conviction politics.” He points out the Crusades were indeed “butchery” with massacres of Jews Muslims and Jews, and that even among their contemporaries, crusaders had mixed reputations as “chivalric heroes and gilded thugs.”  However, as Ozment observes, Tyerman adds that rather “than simple realpolitik and self-aggrandizement, the guiding ideology of crusading was that of religious self-sacrifice and revival, and directly modeled on the Sacrament of Penance.” See: Steven Ozment’s “Fighting the Infidel: the East-West holy wars are not just history” at:
Whereas as support for the crusades was far from universal within Christendom, in contrast Medieval Muslim expansion through the military conquest of jihad as dictated by the Koran was directly supported by Islamic scholars, who provided a spiritual imperative for violence. For example, Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 1328), who wrote: “Since lawful warfare is essentially jihad and since its aim is that the religion is God’s entirely and God’s word is uppermost, therefore according to all Muslims, those who stand in the way of this aim must be fought.” And by Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406), who declared, “In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force.” (See: Robert Conquest’s, Reflections on a RavagedCentury, reviewed at:
Classical scholar, historian, and commentator, Victor David Hanson, reviewing Christopher Tyerman’s recent 1,000-page history of the Crusades, God’s War (Belknap Press 2006), notes how Tyerman is careful beforehand to declare the political neutrality of his work: “This study is intended as a history, not a polemic, an account not a judgment…not a confessional apologia or a witness statement in some cosmic law suit.” Tyerman’s history then points out, as Hanson then succinctly summarizes, that “it was not merely glory or money or excitement that drove Westerners of all classes and nationalities to risk their lives in a deadly journey to an inhospitable east, but rather a real belief in a living God and their own desire to please him through preserving and honoring the birth and death places of his son.” For the crusaders, religious “belief governed almost every aspect of their lives and decision-making. The Crusades arose when the Church, in the absence of strong secular governments, had the moral authority to ignite the religious sense of thousands of Europeans—and they ceased when at last it lost such stature.” Noting the widespread ignorance of the true history this subject among most modern Westerners, Hanson comments on how absent “is any historical reminder that an ascendant Islam of the Middle Ages was concurrently occupying the Iberian peninsula — only after failing at Poitiers in the eighth century to take France. Greek-speaking Byzantium was under constant Islamic assault that would culminate in the Muslim occupation of much of the European Balkans and later Islamic armies at the gates of Vienna. Few remember that the Eastern Mediterranean coastal lands had been originally Phoenician and Jewish, then Persian, then Macedonian, then Roman, then Byzantine—and not until the seventh-century Islamic. Instead, whether intentionally or not, post-Enlightenment Westerners have accepted [Osama] bin Laden’s frame of reference that religiously intolerant Crusaders had gratuitously started a war to take something that was not theirs.” (See: 
Though revisionist scholarship over the past few decades has taken a decidedly politically correct view of the these conflicts, trying to apply certain modern value systems onto the vastly different historical conditions and attitudes of the time, the goals of Crusaders from the 7th to 11th were to recover regions that had originally long been Christian kingdoms until being conquered during the first of many waves of Islamic Jihad. Failure to appreciate the physical and cultural environment of the people involved when examining this topic has become a common mistake.  As historian Raymond Ibrahim writes when discussing modern views toward the Crusades: “Medieval man was not modern man. While all men throughout all time have been prone to hypocrisy, greed, violence, etc., Medieval Christians, as opposed to their 21st century (secularized) counterparts, were, by default, much more guided by faith (whether this faith was misplaced or not is hardly the point). 

’Secularism’ was never an option; Christians firmly believed in heaven and hell, God and the devil. And these were motives…One need not believe in God and religion; but one should still give them their due when discussing the Medieval world.” (“The History Channel’s Distortion of the Crusades”
by Raymond Ibrahim, June 6, 2009. See:

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Konflik Israel-Palestina dari Masa ke masa

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Ratusan orang sipil Palestina tewas menggenaskan, sedangkan ratusan lainnya luka-luka. Kutukan atas serangan tersebut berdatangan dari berbagai negara, namun sayangnya Amerika Serikat ternyata mem-veto resolusi PBB atas serangan Israel ke Gaza tersebut

Konflik Palestina – Israel menurut sejarah sudah 31 tahun ketika pada tahun 1967 Israel menyerang Mesir, Yordania dan Syria dan berhasil merebut Sinai dan Jalur Gaza (Mesir), dataran tinggi Golan (Syria), Tepi Barat dan Yerussalem (Yordania).. Sampai sekarang perdamaian sepertinya jauh dari harapan. Ditambah lagi terjadi ketidaksepakatan tentang masa depan Palestina dan hubungannya dengan Israel di antara faksi-faksi di Palestina sendiri. Tulisan ini dimaksudkan sebagai pengingat sekaligus upaya membuka pemahaman kita mengenai latar belakang sejarah sebab terjadinya konflik ini.

2000 SM – 1500 SM

Istri Nabi Ibrahim A.s., Siti Hajar mempunyai anak Nabi Ismail A.s. (bapaknya bangsa Arab) dan Siti Sarah mempunyai anak Nabi Ishak A.s. yang kemudian mempunyai anak Nabi Ya’qub A.s. alias Israel (Israil, Qur’an). Anak keturunannya disebut Bani Israel sebanyak 7 (tujuh) orang. Salah satunya bernama Nabi Yusuf A.s. yang ketika kecil dibuang oleh saudara-saudaranya yang dengki kepadanya. Nasibnya yang baik membawanya ke tanah Mesir dan kemudian dia menjadi bendahara kerajaan Mesir. Ketika masa paceklik, Nabi Ya’qub A.s. beserta saudara-saudara Yusuf bermigrasi ke Mesir. Populasi anak keturunan Israel (Nabi Ya’qub A.s.) membesar.

1550 SM – 1200 SM

Politik di Mesir berubah. Bangsa Israel dianggap sebagai masalah bagi negara Mesir. Banyak dari bangsa Israel yang lebih pintar dari orang asli Mesir dan menguasai perekonomian. Oleh pemerintah Firaun bangsa Israel diturunkan statusnya menjadi budak.

1200 SM – 1100 SM

Nabi Musa A.s. memimpin bangsa Israel meninggalkan Mesir, mengembara di gurun Sinai menuju tanah yang dijanjikan, asalkan mereka taat kepada Allah Swt – dikenal dengan cerita Nabi Musa A.s. membelah laut ketika bersama dengan bangsa Israel dikejar-kejar oleh tentara Mesir menyeberangi Laut Merah. Namun saat mereka diperintah untuk memasuki tanah Filistin (Palestina), mereka membandel dan berkata: “Hai, Musa, kami sekali-kali tidak akan memasukinya selama-lamanya, selagi ada orang yang gagah perkasa di dalamnya, karena itu pergilah kamu bersama Rabbmu (Tuhanmu), dan berperanglah kamu berdua, sesungguhnya kami hanya duduk menanti di sini saja.” (QS 5:24)

Akibatnya mereka dikutuk oleh Allah Swt dan hanya berputar-putar saja di sekitar Palestina. Belakangan agama yang dibawa Nabi Musa A.s. disebut Yahudi – menurut salah satu marga dari bangsa Israel yang paling banyak keturunannya, yakni Yehuda, dan akhirnya bangsa Israil – tanpa memandang warga negara atau tanah airnya – disebut juga orang-orang Yahudi.

1000 SM – 922 SM

Nabi Daud A.s. (anak Nabi Musa A.s.) mengalahkan Goliath (Jalut, Qur’an) dari Filistin. Palestina berhasil direbut dan Daud dijadikan raja. Wilayah kerajaannya membentang dari tepi sungai Nil hingga sungai Efrat di Iraq. Sekarang ini Yahudi tetap memimpikan kembali kebesaran Israel Raya seperti yang dipimpin raja Daud. Bendera Israel adalah dua garis biru (sungai Nil dan Eufrat) dan Bintang Daud. Kepemimpinan Daud A.s. diteruskan oleh anaknya Nabi Sulaiman A.s. dan Masjidil Aqsa pun dibangun.

922 SM – 800 SM

Sepeninggal Sulaiman A.s., Israel dilanda perang saudara yang berlarut-larut, hingga akhirnya kerajaan itu terbelah menjadi dua, yakni bagian Utara bernama Israel beribukota Samaria dan Selatan bernama Yehuda beribukota Yerusalem.

800 SM – 600 SM

Karena kerajaan Israel sudah terlalu durhaka kepada Allah Swt maka kerajaan tersebut dihancurkan oleh Allah Swt melalui penyerangan kerajaan Asyiria.

“Sesungguhnya Kami telah mengambil kembali perjanjian dari Bani Israil, dan telah Kami utus kepada mereka rasul-rasul. Tetapi setiap datang seorang rasul kepada mereka dengan membawa apa yang tidak diingini hawa nafsu mereka, maka sebagian rasul-rasul itu mereka dustakan atau mereka bunuh.” (QS 5:70)

Hal ini juga bisa dibaca di Injil (Bible) pada Kitab Raja-raja ke-1 14:15 dan Kitab Raja-raja ke-2 17:18.

600 SM – 500 SM

Kerajaan Yehuda dihancurkan lewat tangan Nebukadnezar dari Babylonia. Dalam Injil Kitab Raja-raja ke-2 23:27 dinyatakan bahwa mereka tidak mempunyai hak lagi atas Yerusalem. Mereka diusir dari Yerusalem dan dipenjara di Babylonia.

500 SM – 400 SM

Cyrus Persia meruntuhkan Babylonia dan mengijinkan bangsa Israel kembali ke Yerusalem.

330 SM – 322 SM

Israel diduduki Alexander Agung dari Macedonia (Yunani). Ia melakukan hellenisasi terhadap bangsa-bangsa taklukannya. Bahasa Yunani menjadi bahasa resmi Israel, sehingga nantinya Injil pun ditulis dalam bahasa Yunani dan bukan dalam bahasa Ibrani.

300 SM – 190 SM

Yunani dikalahkan Romawi. Maka Palestina pun dikuasai imperium Romawi.

1 – 100 M

Nabi Isa A.s. / Yesus lahir, kemudian menjadi pemimpin gerakan melawan penguasa Romawi. Namun selain dianggap subversi oleh penguasa Romawi (dengan ancaman hukuman tertinggi yakni dihukum mati di kayu salib), ajaran Yesus sendiri ditolak oleh para Rabbi Yahudi. Namun setelah Isa tiada, bangsa Yahudi memberontak terhadap Romawi.

100 – 300

Pemberontakan berulang. Akibatnya Palestina dihancurkan dan dijadikan area bebas Yahudi. Mereka dideportasi keluar Palestina dan terdiaspora ke segala penjuru imperium Romawi. Namun demikian tetap ada sejumlah kecil pemeluk Yahudi yang tetap bertahan di Palestina. Dengan masuknya Islam kemudian, serta dipakainya bahasa Arab di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, mereka lambat laun terarabisasi atau bahkan masuk Islam.


Pusat kerajaan Romawi dipindah ke Konstantinopel dan agama Kristen dijadikan agama negara.

500 – 600

Nabi Muhammad Saw lahir di tahun 571 M. Bangsa Yahudi merembes ke semenanjung Arabia (di antaranya di Khaibar dan sekitar Madinah), kemudian berimigrasi dalam jumlah besar ke daerah tersebut ketika terjadi perang antara Romawi dengan Persia.


Nabi Muhammad Saw melakukan perjalanan ruhani Isra’ dari masjidil Haram di Makkah ke masjidil Aqsa di Palestina dilanjutkan perjalana Mi’raj ke Sidrathul Muntaha (langit lapis ke-7). Rasulullah menetapkan Yerusalem sebagai kota suci ke-3 ummat Islam, dimana sholat di masjidil Aqsa dinilai 500 kali dibanding sholat di masjid lain selain masjidil Haram di Makkah dan masjid Nabawi di Madinah. Masjidil Aqsa juga menjadi kiblat umat Islam sebelum dipindah arahnya ke Ka’bah di masjidil Haram, Makkah.


Hijrah Nabi Muhammad Saw ke Madinah dan pendirian negara Islam – yang selanjutnya disebut khilafah. Nabi mengadakan perjanjian dengan bangsa Yahudi yang menjadi penduduk Madinah dan sekitarnya, yang dikenal dengan “Piagam Madinah”.


Pengkhianatan Yahudi dalam perang Ahzab (perang parit) dan berarti melanggar Perjanjian Madinah. Sesuai dengan aturan di dalam kitab Taurat mereka sendiri, mereka harus menerima hukuman dibunuh atau diusir.


Di bawah pemerintahan Khalifah Umar Ibnu Khattab ra. Seluruh Palestina dimerdekakan dari penjajah Romawi. Seterusnya seluruh penduduk Palestina, Muslim maupun Non Muslim, hidup aman di bawah pemerintahan khilafah. Kebebasan beragama dijamin sepenuhnya.

700 – 1000

Wilayah Islam meluas dari Asia Tengah, Afrika hingga Spanyol. Di dalamnya, bangsa Yahudi mendapat peluang ekonomi dan intelektual yang sama. Ada beberapa ilmuwan terkenal di dunia Islam yang sesungguhnya adalah orang Yahudi.


Yerusalem dikepung oleh tentara salib dari Eropa. Karena pengkhianatan kaum munafik (sekte Drusiah yang mengaku Islam tetapi ajarannya sesat), pada tahun 1099 M tentara salib berhasil menguasai Yerusalem dan mengangkat seorang raja Kristen. Penjajahan ini berlangsung hingga 1187 M sampai Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi membebaskannya dan setelah itu ummat Islam yang terlena sufisme yang sesat bisa dibangkitkan kembali.


Setelah melalui proses reunifikasi dan revitalisasi wilayah-wilayah khilafah yang tercerai berai setelah hancurnya Baghdad oleh tentara Mongol (1258 M), khilafah Utsmaniah dibawah Muhammad Fatih menaklukan Konstatinopel, dan mewujudkan nubuwwah Rasulullah.


Andalusia sepenuhnya jatuh ke tangan Kristen Spanyol (reconquista). Karena cemas suatu saat umat Islam bisa bangkit lagi, maka terjadi pembunuhan, pengusiran dan pengkristenan massal. Hal ini tidak cuma diarahkan pada Muslim namun juga pada Yahudi. Mereka lari ke wilayah khilafah Utsmaniyah, diantaranya ke Bosnia. Pada 1992 Raja Juan Carlos dari Spanyol secara resmi meminta maaf kepada pemerintah Israel atas holocaust (pemusnahan etnis) 500 tahun sebelumnya. (Tapi tidak permintaan maaf kepada umat Islam).

1500 – 1700

Kebangkitan pemikiran di Eropa, munculnya sekularisme (pemisahan agama / gereja dengan negara), nasionalisme dan kapitalisme. Mulainya kemajuan teknologi moderen di Eropa. Abad penjelajahan samudera dimulai. Mereka mencari jalur perdagangan alternatif ke India dan Cina, tanpa melalui daerah-daerah Islam. Tapi akhirnya mereka didorong oleh semangat kolonialisme dan imperialisme, yakni Gold, Glory dan Gospel. Gold berarti mencari kekayaan di tanah jajahan, Glory artinya mencari kemasyuran di atas bangsa lain dan Gospel (Injil) artinya menyebarkan agama Kristen ke penjuru dunia.


Tentara khilafah berusaha menghentikan arus kolonialisme/imperialisme serta membalas reconquista langsung ke jantung Eropa dengan mengepung Wina, namun gagal. Tahun 1683 M kepungan diulang, dan gagal lagi. Kegagalan ini terutama karena tentara Islam terlalu yakin pada jumlah dan perlengkapannya.

“… yaitu ketika kamu menjadi congkak karena banyaknya jumlahmu, maka jumlah yang banyak itu tidak memberi manfaat kepadamu sedikitpun, dan bumi yang luas itu terasa sempit olehmu, kemudian kamu lari ke belakang dan bercerai-berai.” (QS 9:25).


Napoleon berpendapat bahwa bangsa Yahudi bisa diperalat bagi tujuan-tujuan Perancis di Timur Tengah. Wilayah itu secara resmi masih di bawah Khilafah.


Untuk mendukung strategi “devide et impera” Perancis mendukung gerakan nasionalisme Arab, yakni Muhammad Ali di Mesir dan Pasya Basyir di Libanon. Khilafah mulai lemah dirongrong oleh semangat nasionalisme yang menular begitu cepat di tanah Arab.


Sekelompok Yahudi membeli tanah di Palestina, dan lalu mendirikan sekolah Yahudi pertama di sana. Sponsornya adalah milyuder Yahudi di Inggris, Sir Moshe Monteveury, anggota Free Masonry. Ini adalah pertama kalinya sekolah berkurikulum asing di wilayah Khilafah.


Inggris membuka konsulat di Yerusalem yang merupakan perwakilan Eropa pertama di Palestina.


Kampanye mendorong imigrasi orang Yahudi ke Palestina. Pada masa itu jumlah Yahudi di Palestina baru sekitar 12.000 orang. Pada tahun 1948 jumlahnya menjadi 716.700 dan pada tahun 1964 sudah hampir 3 juta orang.


Imigrasi besar-besaran orang Yahudi ke Palestina yang berselubung agama, simpati dan kemanusiaan bagi penderitaan Yahudi di Eropa saat itu.


Para penduduk Palestina mengirim petisi ke Khalifah, menuntut dilarangnya imigrasi besar-besaran ras Yahudi ke Palestina. Sayang saat itu khilafah sudah “sakit-sakitan” (dijuluki “the sick man at Bosporus). Dekadensi pemikiran meluas, walau Sultan Abdul Hamid sempat membuat terobosan dengan memodernisir infrastruktur, termasuk memasang jalur kereta api dari Damaskus ke Madinah via Palestina! Sayang, sebelum selesai, Sultan Abdul Hamid dipecat oleh Syaikhul Islam (Hakim Agung) yang telah dipegaruhi oleh Inggris. Perang Dunia I meletus, dan jalur kereta tersebut dihancurkan.


Theodore Herzl menggelar kongres Zionis sedunia di Basel Swiss. Peserta Kongres I Zionis mengeluarkan resolusi, bahwa umat Yahudi tidaklah sekedar umat beragama, namun adalah bangsa dengan tekad bulat untuk hidup secara berbangsa dan bernegara. Dalam resolusi itu, kaum zionis menuntut tanah air bagi umat Yahudi – walaupun secara rahasia – pada “tanah yang bersejarah bagi mereka”. Sebelumnya Inggris hampir menjanjikan tanah protektorat Uganda atau di Amerika Latin ! Di kongres itu, Herzl menyebut, Zionisme adalah jawaban bagi “diskriminasi dan penindasan” atas umat Yahudi yang telah berlangsung ratusan tahun. Pergerakan ini mengenang kembali bahwa nasib umat Yahudi hanya bisa diselesaikan di tangan umat Yahudi sendiri. Di depan kongres, Herzl berkata, “Dalam 50 tahun akan ada negara Yahudi !” Apa yang direncanakan Herzl menjadi kenyataan pada tahun 1948.


Perjanjian rahasia Sykes – Picot oleh sekutu (Inggris, Perancis, Rusia) dibuat saat meletusnya Perang Dunia (PD) I, untuk mencengkeram wilayah-wilayah Arab dan Khalifah Utsmaniyah dan membagi-bagi di antara mereka. PD I berakhir dengan kemenangan sekutu, Inggris mendapat kontrol atas Palestina. Di PD I ini, Yahudi Jerman berkomplot dengan Sekutu untuk tujuan mereka sendiri (memiliki pengaruh atau kekuasaan yang lebih besar).


Menlu Inggris keturunan Yahudi, Arthur James Balfour, dalam deklarasi Balfour memberitahu pemimpin Zionis Inggris, Lord Rothschild, bahwa Inggris akan memperkokoh pemu****n Yahudi di Palestina dalam membantu pembentukan tanah air Yahudi. Lima tahun kemudian Liga Bangsa-bangsa (cikal bakal PBB) memberi mandat kepada Inggris untuk menguasai Palestina.


Nazi Jerman menganggap bahwa pengkhianatan Yahudi Jerman adalah biang keladi kekalahan mereka pada PD I yang telah menghancurkan ekonomi Jerman. Maka mereka perlu “penyelesaian terakhir” (endivsung). Ratusan ribu keturunan Yahudi dikirim ke kamp konsentrasi atau lari ke luar negeri (terutama ke AS). Sebenarnya ada etnis lain serta kaum intelektual yang berbeda politik dengan Nazi yang bernasib sama, namun setelah PD II Yahudi lebih berhasil menjual ceritanya karena menguasai banyak surat kabar atau kantor-kantor berita di dunia.


Partai buruh Inggris yang sedang berkuasa secara terbuka memaparkan politik “membiarkan orang-orang Yahudi terus masuk ke Palestina, jika mereka ingin jadi mayoritas. Masuknya mereka akan mendorong keluarnya pribumi Arab dari sana.” Kondisi Palestina pun memanas.


PBB merekomendasikan pemecahan Palestina menjadi dua negara: Arab dan Israel.

1948, 14 Mei.

Sehari sebelum habisnya perwalian Inggris di Palestina, para pemukim Yahudi memproklamirkan kemerdekaan negara Israel. Mereka melakukan agresi bersenjata terhadap rakyat Palestina yang masih lemah, hingga jutaan dari mereka terpaksa mengungsi ke Libanon, Yordania, Syria, Mesir dan lain-lain. Palestina Refugees menjadi tema dunia. Namun mereka menolak eksistensi Palestina dan menganggap mereka telah memajukan areal yang semula kosong dan terbelakang. Timbullah perang antara Israel dan negara-negara Arab tetangganya. Namun karena para pemimpin Arab sebenarnya ada di bawah pengaruh Inggris – lihat Imperialisme Perancis dan Inggris di tanah Arab sejak tahun 1798 – maka Israel mudah merebut daerah Arab Palestina yang telah ditetapkan PBB.

1948, 2 Desember

Protes keras Liga Arab atas tindakan AS dan sekutunya berupa dorongan dan fasilitas yang mereka berikan bagi imigrasi zionis ke Palestina. Pada waktu itu, Ikhwanul Muslimin (IM) di bawah Hasan Al-Banna mengirim 10.000 mujahidin untuk berjihad melawan Israel. Usaha ini kandas bukan karena mereka dikalahkan Israel, namun karena Raja Farouk yang korup dari Mesir takut bahwa di dalam negeri IM bisa melakukan kudeta, akibatnya tokoh-tokoh IM dipenjara atau dihukum mati.

1956, 29 Oktober

Israel dibantu Inggris dan Perancis menyerang Sinai untuk menguasai terusan Suez. Pada kurun waktu ini, militer di Yordania menawarkan baiat ke Hizbut Tahrir (salah satu harakah Islam) untuk mendirikan kembali Khilafah. Namun Hizbut Tahrir menolak, karena melihat rakyat belum siap.


Para pemimpin Arab membentuk PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization). Dengan ini secara resmi, nasib Palestina diserahkan ke pundak bangsa Arab-Palestina sendiri, dan tidak lagi urusan umat Islam. Masalah Palestina direduksi menjadi persoalan nasional bangsa Palestina.


Israel menyerang Mesir, Yordania dan Syria selama 6 hari dengan dalih pencegahan, Israel berhasil merebut Sinai dan Jalur Gaza (Mesir), dataran tinggi Golan (Syria), Tepi Barat dan Yerussalem (Yordania). Israel dengan mudah menghancurkan angkatan udara musuhnya karena dibantu informasi dari CIA (Central Intelligence Agency = Badan Intelijen Pusat milik USA). Sementara itu angkatan udara Mesir ragu membalas serangan Israel, karena Menteri Pertahanan Mesir ikut terbang dan memerintahkan untuk tidak melakukan tembakan selama dia ada di udara.

1967, Nopember

Dewan Keamanan PBB mengeluarkan Resolusi Nomor 242, untuk perintah penarikan mundur Israel dari wilayah yang direbutnya dalam perang 6 hari, pengakuan semua negara di kawasan itu, dan penyelesaian secara adil masalah pengungsi Palestina.


Yasser Arafat dari faksi Al-Fatah terpilih sebagai ketua Komite Eksekutif PLO dengan markas di Yordania.


Berbagai pembajakan pesawat sebagai publikasi perjuangan rakyat Palestina membuat PLO dikecam oleh opini dunia, dan Yordania pun dikucilkan. Karena ekonomi Yordania sangat tergantung dari AS, maka akhirnya Raja Husein mengusir markas PLO dari Yordania. Dan akhirnya PLO pindah ke Libanon.

1973, 6 Oktober

Mesir dan Syria menyerang pasukan Israel di Sinai dan dataran tinggi Golan pada hari puasanya Yahudi Yom Kippur. Pertempuran ini dikenal dengan Perang Oktober. Mesir dan Syria hampir menang, kalau Israel tidak tiba-tiba dibantu oleh AS. Presiden Mesir Anwar Sadat terpaksa berkompromi, karena dia cuma siap untuk melawan Israel, namun tidak siap berhadapan dengan AS. Arab membalas kekalahan itu dengan menutup keran minyak. Akibatnya harga minyak melonjak pesat.

1973, 22 Oktober

Dewan Keamanan PBB mengeluarkan resolusi Nomor 338, untuk gencatan senjata, pelaksanaan resolusi Nomor 242 dan perundingan damai di Timur Tengah.


Pertimbangan ekonomi (perang telah memboroskan kas negara) membuat Anwar Sadat pergi ke Israel tanpa konsultasi dengan Liga Arab. Ia menawarkan perdamaian, jika Israel mengembalikan seluruh Sinai. Negara-negara Arab merasa dikhianati. Karena langkah politiknya ini, belakangan Anwar Sadat dibunuh pada tahun 1982.

1978, September

Mesir dan Israel menandatangani perjanjian Camp David yang diprakarsai AS. Perjanjian itu menjanjikan otonomi terbatas kepada rakyat Palestina di wilayah-wilayah pendudukan Israel. Sadat dan PM Israel Menachem Begin dianugerahi Nobel Perdamaian 1979. namun Israel tetap menolak perundingan dengan PLO dan PLO menolak otonomi. Belakangan, otonomi versi Camp David ini tidak pernah diwujudkan, demikian juga otonomi versi lainnya. Dan AS sebagai pemrakarsanya juga tidak merasa wajib memberi sanksi, bahkan selalu memveto resolusi PBB yang tidak menguntungkan pihak Israel.


Israel secara sepihak menyatakan bahwa mulai musim panas 1980 kota Yerussalem yang didudukinya itu resmi sebagai ibukota.


Israel menyerang Libanon dan membantai ratusan pengungsi Palestina di Sabra dan Shatila. Pelanggaran terhadap batas-batas internasional ini tidak berhasil dibawa ke forum PBB karena – lagi-lagi – veto dari AS. Belakangan Israel juga dengan enaknya melakukan serangkaian pemboman atas instalasi militer dan sipil di Iraq, Libya dan Tunis.


Intifadhah, perlawanan dengan batu oleh orang-orang Palestina yang tinggal di daerah pendudukan terhadap tentara Israel mulai meledak. Intifadhah ini diprakarsai oleh HAMAS, suatu harakah Islam yang memulai aktivitasnya dengan pendidikan dan sosial.

1988, 15 Nopember

Diumumkan berdirinya negara Palestina di Aljiria, ibu kota Aljazair. Dengan bentuk negara Republik Parlementer. Ditetapkan bahwa Yerussalem Timur sebagai ibukota negara dengan Presiden pertamanya adalah Yasser Arafat.

Setelah Yasser Arafat mangkat kursi presiden diduduki oleh Mahmud Abbas. Dewan Nasional Palestina, yang identik dengan Parlemen Palestina beranggotakan 500 orang.

1988, Desember

AS membenarkan pembukaan dialog dengan PLO setelah Arafat secara tidak langsung mengakui eksistensi Israel dengan menuntut realisasi resolusi PBB Nomor 242 pada waktu memproklamirkan Republik Palestina di pengasingan di Tunis.

1991, Maret

Yasser Arafat menikahi Suha, seorang wanita Kristen. Sebelumnya Arafat selalu mengatakan “menikah dengan revolusi Palestina”.

1993, September

PLO – Israel saling mengakui eksistensi masing-masing dan Israel berjanji memberikan hak otonomi kepada PLO di daerah pendudukan. Motto Israel adalah “land for peace” (tanah untuk perdamaian). Pengakuan itu dikecam keras oleh pihak ultra-kanan Israel maupun kelompok di Palestina yang tidak setuju. Namun negara-negara Arab (Saudi Arabia, Mesir, Emirat dan Yordania) menyambut baik perjanjian itu. Mufti Mesir dan Saudi mengeluarkan “fatwa” untuk mendukung perdamaian.
Setelah kekuasaan di daerah pendudukan dialihkan ke PLO, maka sesuai perjanjian dengan Israel, PLO harus mengatasi segala aksi-aksi anti Israel. Dengan ini maka sebenarnya PLO dijadikan perpanjangan tangan Yahudi.
Yasser Arafat, Yitzak Rabin dan Shimon Peres mendapat Nobel Perdamaian atas usahanya tersebut.


Rabin dibunuh oleh Yigar Amir, seorang Yahudi fanatik. Sebelumnya, di Hebron, seorang Yahudi fanatik membantai puluhan Muslim yang sedang shalat subuh. Hampir tiap orang dewasa di Israel, laki-laki maupun wanita, pernah mendapat latihan dan melakukan wajib militer. Gerakan Palestina yang menuntut kemerdekaan total menteror ke tengah masyarakat Israel dengan bom “bunuh diri”. Targetnya, menggagalkan usaha perdamaian yang tidak adil itu. Sebenarnya “land for peace” diartikan Israel sebagai “Israel dapat tanah, dan Arab Palestina tidak diganggu (bisa hidup damai).”

Pemilu di Israel dimenangkan secara tipis oleh Netanyahu dari partai kanan, yang berarti kemenangan Yahudi yang anti perdamaian. Netanyahu mengulur-ulur waktu pelaksanaan perjanjian perdamaian. Ia menolak adanya negara Palestina, agar Palestina tetap sekedar daerah otonom di dalam Israel. Ia bahkan ingin menunggu/menciptakan kontelasi baru (pemu****n Yahudi di daerah pendudukan, bila perlu perluasan hingga ke Syria dan Yordania) untuk sama sekali membuat perjanjian baru.

AS tidak senang bahwa Israel jalan sendiri di luar garis yang ditetapkannya. Namun karena lobby Yahudi di AS terlalu kuat, maka Bill Clinton harus memakai agen-agennya di negara-negara Arab untuk “mengingatkan” si “anak emasnya” ini. Maka sikap negara-negara Arab tiba-tiba kembali memusuhi Israel. Mufti Mesir malah kini memfatwakan jihad terhadap Israel. Sementara itu Uni Eropa (terutama Inggris dan Perancis) juga mencoba “aktif” menjadi penengah, yang sebenarnya juga hanya untuk kepentingan masing-masing dalam rangka menanamkan pengaruhnya di wilayah itu. Mereka juga tidak rela kalau AS “jalan sendiri” tanpa bicara dengan Eropa.

2002 - Sampai sekarang

Sebuah usul perdamaian saat ini adalah Peta menuju perdamaian yang diajukan oleh Empat Serangkai Uni Eropa, Rusia, PBB dan Amerika Serikat pada 17 September 2002. Israel juga telah menerima peta itu namun dengan 14 "reservasi". Pada saat ini Israel sedang menerapkan sebuah rencana pemisahan diri yang kontroversial yang diajukan oleh Perdana Menteri Ariel Sharon. Menurut rencana yang diajukan kepada AS, Israel menyatakan bahwa ia akan menyingkirkan seluruh "kehadiran sipil dan militer yang permanen" di Jalur Gaza (yaitu 21 pemu****n Yahudi di sana, dan 4 pemumikan di Tepi Barat), namun akan "mengawasi dan mengawal kantong-kantong eksternal di darat, akan mempertahankan kontrol eksklusif di wilayah udara Gaza, dan akan terus melakukan kegiatan militer di wilayah laut dari Jalur Gaza." Pemerintah Israel berpendapat bahwa "akibatnya, tidak akan ada dasar untuk mengklaim bahwa Jalur Gaza adalah wilayah pendudukan," sementara yang lainnya berpendapat bahwa, apabila pemisahan diri itu terjadi, akibat satu-satunya ialah bahwa Israel "akan diizinkan untuk menyelesaikan tembok – artinya, Penghalang Tepi Barat Israel – dan mempertahankan situasi di Tepi Barat seperti adanya sekarang ini"

Di hari kemenangan Partai Kadima pada pemilu tanggal 28 Maret 2006 di Israel, Ehud Olmert – yang kemudian diangkat sebagai Perdana Menteri Israel menggantikan Ariel Sharon yang berhalangan tetap karena sakit – berpidato. Dalam pidato kemenangan partainya, Olmert berjanji untuk menjadikan Israel negara yang adil, kuat, damai, dan makmur, menghargai hak-hak kaum minoritas, mementingkan pendidikan, kebudayaan dan ilmu pengetahuan serta terutama sekali berjuang untuk mencapai perdamaian yang kekal dan pasti dengan bangsa Palestina. Olmert menyatakan bahwa sebagaimana Israel bersedia berkompromi untuk perdamaian, ia mengharapkan bangsa Palestina pun harus fleksibel dengan posisi mereka. Ia menyatakan bahwa bila Otoritas Palestina, yang kini dipimpin Hamas, menolak mengakui Negara Israel, maka Israel "akan menentukan nasibnya di tangannya sendiri" dan secara langsung menyiratkan aksi sepihak. Masa depan pemerintahan koalisi ini sebagian besar tergantung pada niat baik partai-partai lain untuk bekerja sama dengan perdana menteri yang baru terpilih.

Sebagai catatan akhir, Perdana Menteri Israel setelah Benjamin Netanyahu berturut-turut adalah Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon, dan yang masih berkuasa di Israel dalam penyerangan di Gaza sekarang adalah Ehud Olmert. Sedangkan 4 faksi utama di Palestina adalah PLO, Al-Fatah, Jihad Islam Palestina (JIP), dan yang berkuasa sekarang di Palestina adalah Hamas dengan Perdana Menterinya Ismail Haniya. Dan gambar peta (klik di sini) yang menggambarkan hilangnya tanah Palestina yang dicaplok oleh Israel sejak tahun 1946 sampai dengan tahun 2000. Lihat posisi Gaza yang terjepit di daerah kekuasaan Israel.

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Indonesia-Malaysia CONFRONTATION

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Indonesia-Malaysia CONFRONTATION

Indonesia-Malaysia confrontation, or better known as the confrontation course is a war about the future of Malaya, Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak which took place between the Federation of Malaysia and Indonesia in 1962 until 1966. The war originated from the desire of the Federation of Malaya is more recognizable as the Malay Land Fellowship in 1961 to combine Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak into the Federation of Malaysia is not in accordance with the Manila Agreement therefore desire is opposed by President Sukarno, who considers the formation of the Federation of Malaysia is now known as Malaysia as a "puppet of the British" colonialism and imperialism in a new form as well as support for various internal security disturbances and rebellions in Indonesia. [1] [2] Violation of international treaties concept MACAPAGAL THE PLAN, among others, through agreements Manila Agreement dated July 31, 1963, dated August 3, 1963, dated August 5, 1963 [3] Wikisource-logo.svg about decolonization which should include the people of Sarawak and SabahBackground Approval of the Philippines Manila, Federation of Malaya and Indonesia In 1961, Metro is divided into four administrations. Kalimantan, a province in Indonesia, located in south Kalimantan. In the north is the Kingdom of Brunei and two British colonies of Sarawak and North Borneo, later renamed Sabah. As part of its withdrawal from its colonies in Southeast Asia, the UK to combine its colonies on Borneo with peninsular Malaya, Federation of Malaya to form the Federation of Malaysia. This plan was opposed by the Government of Indonesia, President Sukarno argued that Malaysia was a puppet of the United Kingdom, and the consolidation of Malaysia would increase British control in the region, threatening Indonesia's independence. The Philippines also made a claim for Sabah, arguing that it has historical ties with the Philippines through the Sulu Sultanate.
In Brunei, North Kalimantan National Army (TNKU) rebelled on December 8, 1962. They tried to capture the Sultan of Brunei, the oil fields and take European hostages. Sultan escaped and asked for British help. He received British and Gurkha troops from Singapore. On December 16, British Far East Command (British Far Eastern Command) claimed that all major rebel centers had been overcome, and on 17 April 1963, the rebel commander was captured and the rebellion ended. Philippines and Indonesia formally agreed to accept the establishment of the Federation of Malaysia if a majority in the area who want to do dekolonial to vote in a referendum organized by the UN. However, on 16 September, before the outcome of the election are reported. Malaysia saw the formation of this federation as a domestic problem, with no place for outsiders to intervene, but the leaders of Indonesia sees this as the Manila Agreement are violated and the evidence of British colonialism and imperialism. "Since the anti-Indonesian demonstrations in Kuala Lumpur, when the protesters stormed the embassy building, tearing at Soekarno photos, state emblem of Garuda Pancasila brought before the Tunku Abdul Rahman, Prime Minister of Malaysia at that time, and forced him to step on Garuda [4], anger Soekarno against Malaysia has exploded. " Anti-Indonesian demonstrations in Kuala Lumpur, which took place on 17 September 1963, applies when the protesters who were mounting anger against President Sukarno, who launched the confrontation against Malaysia [5] also kerana an unofficial military forces attack Indonesia to Malaysia. This announcement berikutan Indonesia's Foreign Minister Soebandrio that Indonesia take a hostile attitude towards Malaysia on January 20, 1963. In addition volunteers pencerobohan Indonesia (unofficial military forces seemed) began to infiltrate Sarawak and Sabah to spread propaganda and conduct raids and sabotage on 12 April next. Sukarno's wrath because it condemns the anti-Indonesian demonstrations that trample state emblem Indonesia [6] and wanted to retaliate by launching a movement known as the Crush Malaysia. Crush Malaysia Sukarno proclaimed the movement through his very historic speech, the following: " If we are hungry it is common If we are ashamed of it is also commonly But if we are hungry or ashamed because of Malaysia, brash! Muster the troops to Borneo Malayan snot beat it! O'clock and do not brush up our air and land trampled by Malaysian bastard Pray for me, I'm off to the battlefield as a patriot nation, as a nation and as a martyr who will not bullets nation trampled self-esteem. Calls for calls throughout the country that we will unite to resist this humiliation we will reply to this treatment and we show that we still have strong teeth and we also still have dignity. Yoo ... Ayoo ... we ... Ganjang ... Ganjang ... Malaysia Ganjang ... Malaysia Round determination Our spirit badja Many bullets we Njawa us many If necessary Satoe-Satoe! SoekarnoWar On January 20, 1963, Indonesia's Foreign Minister announced that Indonesia Soebandrio hostile towards Malaysia. On 12 April, volunteers Indonesia (unofficial military forces seemed) began to infiltrate Sarawak and Sabah to spread propaganda and conduct raids and sabotage. Dated May 3, 1964 at a mass meeting held in Jakarta, President Sukarno declared the People's Command Dwi command (Dwikora) which read: Pertinggi resilience of the Indonesian revolution Bantu people's revolutionary struggle for Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah, to destroy Malaysia On July 27, Sukarno declared that he was going to "crush Malaysia". On August 16, troops from the Askar Melayu Regimens Kings faced with fifty Indonesian guerillas. Although the Philippines did not participate in the war, they broke off diplomatic relations with Malaysia. Federation of Malaysia was formally established on 16 September 1963. Brunei refused to join and Singapore came out at a later date. 
Growing tension on both sides the Straits of Malacca. Two days later rioters burned the British embassy in Jakarta. Several hundred rioters seize the Singapore embassy in Jakarta and also houses Singapore diplomat. In Malaysia, Indonesian agents were captured and crowds attacked the Indonesian embassy in Kuala Lumpur. Along the border in Borneo, there was an ongoing border war; Indonesian troops and irregulars tried to occupy Sarawak and Sabah, with no results. Volunteer Action Command. In 1964 Indonesian troops began to attack areas in Peninsular Malaysia. Command was formed in May of standby duty to co-ordinate the activities of the war against Malaysia (Operation Dwikora). Command is then transformed into Standby Mandala Command (Kolaga). Kolaga led by Vice Air Marshal Omar Dani as Pangkolaga. Kolaga itself consists of three commandos, the Combat Command (Kopurtu) located in Sumatra, which consists of 12 Battalion of the Army, including three battalions and one battalion of the Marine Corps. This command of the Malay Peninsula and the targets of the operation was led by Brigadier General Kemal Idris sebaga Pangkopur-I. Two Combat Command (Kopurda) based in Bengkayang, West Kalimantan and consists of 13 Battalion that came from elements of the Marine Corps, Air Force, and RPKAD. Brigadier-General Command, led Soepardjo as Pangkopur-II. The third command is the Command Fleet Standby consisting of Navy and Marine Corps. Commando Brigade is equipped with Landing and operate on the border of Riau and East Kalimantan. In August, sixteen armed Indonesian agents were captured in Johor. Armed activities on the border of Indonesia also increased. Malaysian Marine army mobilized its forces to defend Malaysia. Malaysian army only a few were taken down and had to rely on border posts of command and control unit. Their primary mission is to prevent the entry of troops Indonesia to Malaysia. Most of the parties involved in armed conflict with Indonesia is the UK and Australia, they are particularly special forces Special Air Service (SAS). Indonesia recorded about 2000 troops and 200 troops were killed UK / Australia (SAS) also died after fighting in the jungles of Kalimantan (Space Magazine Edition 2006). On August 17 paratroopers landed on the southwest coast of Johor and try to form a guerrilla army. On 2 September 1964 paratroopers landed in Labis, Johor. On October 29th, 52 soldiers landed in Pontian on the Johore-Malacca border and kill troops Askar Malay Regiment and the Kings of New Zealand and also suppress the Kingdom Police Forces Movement of Malaysia in Batu 20, Muar, Johor. When the United Nations accepted Malaysia as a non-permanent members. Interesting Sukarno of Indonesia from the United Nations on January 20, 1965 and attempted to establish the New Power Conference (Conference of New Emerging Forces, Conefo) as an alternative. As opposed to the Olympics, even organizing Ganefo Soekarno (Games of the New Emerging Forces) held in Senayan, Jakarta on 10 to 22 November 1963. Sporting event was attended by 2250 athletes from 48 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and South America, and covered about 500 foreign journalists. In January 1965, Australia agreed to send troops to Borneo after receiving many requests from Malaysia. Australian troops 3rd Regiment, Royal Australian Regiment, Australian Special Air Service. There are about fourteen thousand British and Commonwealth forces in Australia at the time. Officially, British and Australian troops could not follow attackers over the Indonesian border. However, units like the Special Air Service, both Britain and Australia, came in secret (see Operation Claret). Australia recognizes these incursions in 1996. In mid 1965, Indonesia began to use his official forces. On June 28, they crossed the border into eastern Sebatik Island near Tawau, Sabah and dealing with Askar Malay Regiment and the King Police In North Borneo Armed Constabulary. On July 1, 1965, the Indonesian military with a magnitude of approximately 5000 people berated the Malaysian Navy base in Semporna. Attacks and the siege continued for up to 8 September, but failed. This event is known as the "Siege of 68 Days" by the citizens of Malaysia. The final confrontation Towards the end of 1965, General Suharto came to power in Indonesia after last G30S/PKI. Because of this domestic conflict, Indonesia wishes to continue the war with Malaysia to be reduced and the battle subsided. On May 28, 1966 at a conference in Bangkok, the Kingdom of Malaysia and the Indonesian government announced the settlement of the conflict. Violence ended in June, and the peace treaty was signed on August 11 and was unveiled two days later.


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